Find Strength and Courage with the St Michael Prayer

Updated: May 22, 2024


The “St Michael Prayer” is a Catholic prayer seeking the protection of Saint Michael the Archangel, often portrayed as a warrior fighting evil deeds. This prayer is performed only for strength against spiritual enemies and defense in spiritual battles. Pope Leo XIII performed it in the late 19th century after he reportedly had a worrying vision of evils attacking the Church.

The St. Michael Prayer Means

This prayer defends us in battle, protects us, and gives us protection against the tricks and workings of the Devil. May God finish him. We should humbly pray to you, the Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, please keep the titan in hell with all evil spirits. 


Significance of the St Michael Prayer

Protection from evil 

This prayer saves us from the Devil and his evil tricks, which are very harmful in today’s world. Evil and temptation surround us, producing destruction and ending the brotherhood.

Faith and courage

 Reciting St. Michel’s prayer strengthens our faith and gives us the courage to fight against evil and temptation.

st michael prayer
Significance of the St. Michael Prayer

 Why is Saint Michael important?

Saint Michael is necessary because he is the leader of the Archangels and is known for his prayer of strength courage, and protection from evil deeds. The holy book Bible defines this prayer as a warrior who fights against Satan and his companions.

 He also provides the saint of security, police officers, and the military, among others, giving them deep thinking to serve humans honestly.

The history of the St Michael prayer 

 The prayer to St. Michael is the most essential part of the Leonine Prayers, once said at the end of Mass.

It was a time when temporal authorities threatened the Church’s rights.

 In a display of unwavering courage and determination, Pope Leo XIII ordered the Leonine Prayers, including the St. Michael prayer, to be said after a Low (simple) Mass for the liberty of the Church.

 Then, this prayer was added a couple of years after Pope Leo’s original instruction, following a mysterious and powerful vision that he is said to have experienced after celebrating Mass one day at the Vatican to fight against the followers of Shitan.

 Benefits of reciting the St. Michael Prayer

This prayer Protects against evil and temptation. It strengthens faith and courage with divine grace. It Fosters a sense of community among Catholics worldwide. This prayer Offers a powerful reminder of spiritual warfare and the need for protection and provides a call to arms against the forces of darkness with the declaration of faith and trust in God’s plans.

History of St. Michael’s Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel is a significant figure in Christianity. He is known as a powerful defender and proves a great leader in the battle against evil.

 Protector of the Faithful

 St. Michael is believed to protect and save the Christians from the forces of evil. People often call on him for help when they feel afraid of spiritual danger attacks.

 St . Michael’s Prayer as Liturgical and Private Devotion

 In Christian tradition, the St. Michael Prayer was recited at the end of Low Masses as part of the Leonine Prayers from 1886 until the reforms of the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s. These prayers were intended to invoke divine protection and strength against spiritual adversaries.

Special Occasions and Emergencies

 Some Catholics pray the St. Michael Prayer during serious emergencies or dangerous situations, guiding St. Michael’s aid and protection and giving them the courage to fight against evil.

The St. Michael Prayer in modern times

While the wording of the St. Michael prayer remains the same as in the old times, it has been expanded daily. In a busy world, many people recite this prayer through social media, print it on prayer cards, make apps on their cell phones for spiritual growth, and find their safety from evil.

Daily Devotion of St. Michael prayer

 In Christian culture, many individuals incorporate the St. Michael Prayer into their daily devotional routines. It is a source of strength and high belief, helping them face daily challenges with a fortified spirit.

St Michael’s Prayer as Spiritual Armor

 The St. Michael prayer is often seen as a personal spiritual coach, providing believers unique protection against evil thoughts and harmful deeds. 

This concept is deeply rooted in the idea of spiritual war, in which prayer acts as a shield and benefits each individual.

Community and Liturgical Use of St Michael Prayer

In some Catholic parishes, the St. Michael Prayer is recited at the end of Mass. This prayer communal recitation underscores a collective call for protection and divine assistance, reinforcing the unity and shared faith among congregants.

Humble Appeal

While the St. Michael Prayer is distinctly Catholic, its themes of divine protection and combating evil resonate with many Christians outside the Catholic Church. It has led to some Protestant and Orthodox Christians adopting it in the morning and evening.

Psychological and Emotional Benefits of St. Michael Prayer

  • Coping Mechanism

 For many, the St. Michael Prayer is a coping mechanism for stress, worries, fear, and uncertainty. This mechanism can bring comfort and a sense of control over dire circumstances.

  • Mental Health

 The Marian purpose of prayer’s emphasis on divine support and protection can positively affect mental health by offering hope of overcoming evil deeds and reducing feelings of isolation and vulnerability.

st michael prayer
Emotional Benefits of St. Michael Prayer

St Michael the Archangel prayer

The St. Michael prayer has deep roots in the Catholic tradition and is often recited for spiritual warfare, asking for defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.

The text of this prayer is given below,

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Prayer to St Michael

The Prayer to Saint Michael became a powerful and humble prayer for Catholics seeking protection and strength in the face of evil thoughts. It is not often recited in personal prayer at the end of the Rosary in the Church. This prayer can be offered by pure heart to avoid Shetan attacks, usually in human life.

Prayer to St Michael the Archangel

The Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel is a traditional Catholic prayer seeking the safety and blessings of St. Michael, one of the principal archangels in Christian theology. This prayer is considered a strong spiritual warrior who defends against evil attacks and leads the fighters to heaven.

How to Pray the Chaplet of St Michael

These core angles can be recited from his prayer to help the people. This prayer can be started with a medal of St Micheal.

Nine Sets of Beads represent the nine angels, and each set consists of a large bead followed by three angles. Four additional beams can occur at the end of the prayer.

How to Pray the St Michael Rosary

By the intercession of St. Michael and the blessings of the Choir of Seraphim, may the Lord make us quickly burn with fire. By this  St. Michael prayer that God, we should avoid bad sins and choose the path of Christianity.

 This prayer produced honesty in people and that we should control our emotions. God saves us from the exam of evil attacks and gives us the power to do good deeds.


The conclusion of St. Michael’s prayer is a solemn sign of protection against the forces of Shatin. It emphasizes the character of angles as defenders and the strong faith in God’s supreme power.

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