Shab-E-Qadr and Shab-E-Qadr prayer on the night of blessing
Updated: March 5, 2024
Importance of Shab-E-Qadr and Shab-E-Qadr prayer, Du’a, and History
Besides fasting and praying Taraweeh, the most famous thing about Ramadan is Layla-tul-Qadr. It is a special night during the last ten days of Ramadan. If you do good things and pray the Shab-e-qadar prayer on this night, you will get extra rewards.
“The month of Ramadan was the one in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong).”(Surah Baqarah Ayah 185)
That is why every Muslim tries to take advantage of this special night by doing good deeds and praying.
“Indeed, We sent it down in a blessed night, Indeed, We are ever warning.”( Ayah 3 of Surah Dukhan )
What is Shab-e-Qadar?
Shab-e-Qadar is a very important night in the Islamic calendar and is thought to be even better than a thousand months. This is a significant night for Muslims all over the world. This night is also called the Night of Power. Muslims think that the first Quran verses were given to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on this night.
“Verily, We have sent it (this Quran) down on the Night of Decree. And what will make you know what the Night of Decree is? The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. Therein descend the angels and the Spirit by Allah’s permission, on every errand: Peace!… This until the rise of dawn.” Surah-Al-Qadr Aayat ( 1 to 5 )
When is the Night of Power
You might be wondering if Laylatul Qadr is on the 27th or 29th of Ramadan, or in the last ten nights of Ramadan. Different scholars have different ideas about which night it is. That’s why we have collected all the important sayings about the night of Laylatul Qadr.
“Seek Laylat al-Qadr in the last ten days of Ramadan.”[Bukhari and Muslim]
History of Shab-e-Qadr
Shab-e-Qadr started the night the Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Quran being revealed is a very important event in Islamic history. This night was really important to Allah, so he dedicated a whole chapter of the Quran (Surah Al-Qadr) to it, saying,
“Indeed, We sent the Quran down during the Night of Decree. And what can make you know what is the Night of Decree? The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months”(Quran 97:1-3)
On this special night, Allah finished everything related to the Universe. He created the days and nights during these times.
“God sent Angels to Earth to pray for people and help them go to Heaven. “ |
This special night called Shab e Qadar is very significant and sacred. This night is very special because if you pray, your life will become peaceful. You need to pray honestly. If you pray on Shab-e-Qadar night, you can receive blessings equal to 83 years of praying. |
Importance of Shab-e-Qadr and Shab-e-Qadr Prayer night
Shab e Qadar is an important night in Islam. In Islam, it is also known as Laylat-al-Qadr. It is a special night of power. If you want to have a successful future, then it is Shab-e-Qadr, you should pray.
The Night of mercy and forgiveness
One of the most important things about Shab-E-Qadr is that it can forgive sins. It is thought that on this night, Allah is more likely to forgive the mistakes of people who ask for forgiveness. Muslims believe that by asking for forgiveness on this night, they can clear away all their mistakes.
Laylatul Qadr is a time for believers to remember and celebrate Allah’s kindness and gifts. This is because believers receive many blessings and rewards on this night, reminding them of Allah’s endless grace and compassion.
Rewards from Allah
Laylatul Qadr is important because people who worship Allah on this night will receive great rewards. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that if someone prays with true faith on Laylatul Qadr, they will get the reward of worshipping Allah for a thousand months.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also spoke about this Night in one of His hadiths in the following way:
“Whoever establishes Salah on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, all his previous sins will be forgiven.”(Bukhari)
An Opportunity to Connect with Allah
Laylatul Qadr is thought to be a special night for people to feel spiritually refreshed and renewed. This happens because Allah gives His followers many blessings and kindness on this night. It helps to make their hearts pure and their belief in Allah stronger.
Revelation of the Quran
Shab-e-Qadr is thought to be the night when the first parts of the Quran were given to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Quran is the sacred book of Islam and is believed to be Allah’s word. Muslims think the Quran has advice for everyone and its lessons are always important.
In the Quran, Allah Almighty says:
“Verily, We have sent it (this Quran) down on the night of Al-Qadr (Decree).”(Quran 97:1)
Night of Destiny
Shabe Qadr is a night also called the “Night of Destiny’’ or the “Night of Decree”. On this night, people believe that Allah decides what will happen to them in the next year. Muslims think that on this night, Allah decides what will happen to everyone in the future, like how long they will live, how much money they will have, and what will happen to them.
Preparing For the Night
The best way to take advantage of Shab-E-Qadr is to spend the night praying and worshipping. Here are some things that Muslims can do on this special night.
Recite the Quran
Muslims read the Quran on the Night of Power. It is a great chance to think about what Allah says and ask for help from it.
During the last 10 nights of Ramadan, reading the Holy Quran is a good way to worship on a special night. Besides reading the Quran and getting rewards for every word, it’s also important to think about the words in the Quran. They can help Muslims understand new things and meanings.
So, during the last ten nights of Ramadan, read as much Quran as you can. Also, try to think about what the verses mean and the message they are trying to convey. This will help you understand the true purpose of the Quran.
Spend the Night of Qadr in Prayer
Muslims are urged to pray extra on Shab-E-Qadr Prayer: Muslims try to pray as much as they can on the Night of Power. It is the time to talk to Allah (SWT) and ask for His blessings.
Giving Charity
Muslims donate money or help others during the special night. Donating to those in need is a way to worship and it brings blessings from Allah.
During Ramadan, Muslims often do good things for others and give to those in need, especially in the last ten days, including Shab-e-Qadr. This is thought to cleanse and bring more good things.
“The best charity is that given in Ramadan.”(Tirmidhi)
Making Du’a
Muslims should pray during the Night of Power. They should pray to Allah for forgiveness, help, and good things.
Perform acts of kindness
Muslims do good things during the special night called the Night of Power. They assist people, give food to those in need, and perform kind acts to make Allah (SWT) happy.
When does Shab-e-Qadr fall?
Allah has chosen to keep Shab-e-Qadr hidden because he wanted to. So, we are not sure which night is Shab-e-Qadr. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said.
‘Search for Shab-e-Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten days of blessed Ramadan’.(Sahih Bukhari, vol. 1, pp. 661, Hadees 2017)
Du’a of Shab-e-Qadr
اَللّٰہُمَّ اِنَّکَ عَفُوٌّ کَرِیمٌ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّیْ
O Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ! Undoubtedly, You are the most Forgiving and most Gracious! You like to forgive, so forgive my sins too.(Sahih Muslim, vol. 5, pp. 306, Hadees 3524)
Nawafil of Shab-e-Qadr
Islamic scholar Faqeeh Abul Lays has said that during the night of Shab-e-Qadr, Muslims should pray at least 2 Rakaat and at most 1000 Rakaat. The average number of Rakaat is 100, and after reciting Surah Al-Fatihah, Muslims should recite Surah Al-Qadr once and Surah Al-Ikhlas three times in each Rakaat. After completing each set of two Rakaat, Muslims should recite Salat upon the Prophet Mohammed.
Perform I’tikaaf
To pray well at night, it is important to focus and pray without getting distracted. The best way to do it is to spend the last ten days following the example of Itikaf. When you are in Itikaf, it means you have left all the things that distract you in everyday life. For ten days, you only pray and read the Quran day and night. So, when you feel this way, you can pray without any concerns or being distracted.
Ibaadah of Shab-e-Qadr Prayer (Worship)
If you can’t be in seclusion during the last 10 nights, it is a good idea to spend the special night of Laylat-ul-Qadr worshipping at the Mosque, praying and asking for forgiveness as much as you can. As I said earlier, it is a good idea to read the Holy Qur’an, pray, and do special religious activities on the night of Laylat-ul-Qadr.
Recite And Reflect on the Quran
The Night of Power is a time for thinking about yourself. As a Muslim, you should ask if you are humble, if you can do more good things, and if you have good values and morals. It Is time to see if you can be a better person.
Find the things you want to improve about yourself. Remember that nobody is perfect. Be honest with yourself and be tough on yourself so that you can get better.
Remember, on this special night, it is important to appreciate and make the most of the blessings we have as well as pray the shab-e-qadr prayer. Avoid doing everyday things like watching TV and wasting time on unimportant activities. Spend this night praying and helping others as much as you can, and you will receive many rewards in the afterlife.
It is Laylat-ul-Qadr, a special night. We thank Allah for giving us this night and we pray that He accepts all our good deeds and prayers and grants our wishes in this life and the next. Ameen!.
What is Shab-E-Qadr prayer?
Shab-E-Qadr prayer is a unique night prayer completed during the last ten days of Ramadan. It is thought to be the night the Quran was first exposed to the Prophet Muhammad.
Why is Shab-E-Qadr prayer important?
Shab-E-Qadr blessing is regarded as one of the most important nights in Islam. It is believed that this is the dark when Allah’s prayers and forgiveness are great. It is a time for reflection, prayer, and desiring forgiveness for past sins.
When should I complete the Shab-E-Qadr prayer?
Shab-E-Qadr prayer should be conducted on the odd-numbered nights of the last ten days of Ramadan, particularly on the 27th night. Yet, begging on all ten nights is suggested to improve the chances of catching the holy night.
How should I perform the Shab-E-Qadr prayer?
Shab-E-Qadr prayer is executed like any other night prayer, with other supplications and extra prayers seeking forgiveness and advice. It is important to devote oneself wholeheartedly to honoring and remembering Allah during this night.
What are the benefits of achieving Shab-E-Qadr prayer?
Performing Shab-E-Qadr prayer is believed to bring immense rewards and blessings from Allah. It is said that adoring this night is identical to worshipping for a thousand months, creating an up-and-coming and rewarding act.
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